"Established in 2010, we strive to be a company that integrates people, technology, and processes under our statement, 'Possibility Generator'."
Our IT world, driven by AI, is moving toward a future where technology and people become one. We will continue to grow as a company that leads this transformation.
To be remembered as the number one company in a fast-changing and highly competitive business environment, outstanding IT systems are essential. Our company has the expertise to deliver and implement the most optimized solutions for our clients.

On-Demand Data Analysis
The KNIME Analytics Platform makes data analysis and the design of data science workflows and reusable components accessible to everyone.

Manufacturing Execution System
MES meets the needs of production sites by supporting lot management, work and inventory management, process optimization, traceability, and production data collection and analysis. It enhances manufacturing competitiveness.

Enterprise Contents Management
ECM in SharePoint products and technologies improves productivity provides the following features to help you manage a collection of documents: Centrally manage diverse content Store content in a central repository that helps people find, share, and use the information
We provide competitive services that empower our clients to perform at their best and operate efficiently.

Operation Support System

Manufacturing Execution System

System Integration
BPM for Transmission Network
Tango-T OSS
TEAMS, Fault Management System
IP Backhaul Work Portal
Access Network Management System
3D Datacenter Management System
BPM for Transmission Network
Tango-T OSS
TEAMS, Fault Management System
IP Backhaul Work Portal
Access Network Management System
3D Datacenter Management System
BPM for Transmission Network
Tango-T OSS
TEAMS, Fault Management System
IP Backhaul Work Portal
Access Network Management System
3D Datacenter Management System

BPM for Transmission Network
Tango-T OSS
TEAMS, Fault Management System
IP Backhaul Work Portal
Access Network Management System
3D Datacenter Management System

SDS, OSS Consulting
SDS, OSS with Cenpeptwave
SDS, OSS Maintenance and Support
SEC, pCloud & Lost Phone System

Integrated Monitoring Platform
with N3N Global